The Basque Ecodesign Meeting 2014 is an international event that brings together Eco leading companies, with broad experience in the application of this methodology, to the public administration as a catalyst, the university and many specialists in this field. It is organized by the Environment and territorial Planning Department of the Basque Government, through its […]

The symposium will feature expert speakers who will discuss the latest research and advances in sustainable food production. The latest developments outlined in the 2014 international conference LCAFood be presented. It will also have a space for the exhibition of posters whose theme is not limited to the symposium, but is open to anyone associated […]

On June 13, 2013 were placed the second project promotional posters in Zuazo Gaston facilities. The objective of this action is to promote the dissemination of the project and give to know in the sector the use of tools for managing major environmental impacts associated with resource use and waste generation.

  REMEDIA is a new framework that emerges to encourage interaction among researchers working in the area related to the mitigation of greenhouse gases (GHG) in agriculture, livestock and forestry in Spain. The second workshop on mitigation of greenhouse gases was held at the Campus of Aula Dei in Zaragoza (Spain), 11 and 12 April, […]

Following a meeting last October 2012 in the Basque Country with Fenny van Egmond and Ronald Koomans from the MEDUSA company (participating on the LIFE Project Better Crops for Soil), in their trip back to Holland, this time we have met in the centre of Neiker in Bizkaia with Egbert Sonneveld.

We have taken again advantage of the visit of Fenny van Egmond from the company Medusa Explorations (Holland) to the project meeting of the LIFE Project “Crops for Better Soil” in Ejea de los Caballeros, to meet at INTIA headquarters in Villava (Navarre) and discuss the activities being performed at both projects looking for ways […]

On november 6, 2012 the AGROLCAMANAGER working team meets to monitor the project and discuss the following matters: Exposure of the progress made in the project communication and dissemination section.   The issued press releases on the project, radio interviews, created website, posters, brochures and information boards were announced. Exposure of the progress and results […]

On October 8, Fenny van Egmond and Ronald Koomans, from the Dutch company MEDUSA that is one of the European LIFE project “Crops for better soil” partners, using a soil mapping work carried out in Spain, met in San Sebastian with Gerardo Besga, AGROLCAManager LIFE project coordinator. AGROLCAManager project is developing a software tool adapted […]

A meeting was held with members of the project Combating climate change through farming AgriClimateChange. The contacts were made via email and phone with Jordi Domingo GNF. The overall objective was to enhance the capacity of climate change mitigation is agriculture. By creating a software tool and its subsequent application in agricultural holdings. synergies: Comparison […]

We have established relationships with members of the project advisory Customized advanced GIS tools for the sustainable management of crops EXTENSIVE sigAGROasesor, project coordinated by INTIA of Navarra, and involving ITAP, NEIKER, IRTA Mas Badia, IFAPA, and TRACASA AEMET in which aims the development and tuning tools for decision support agriculture in a web services […]

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AgrolcaManager project promotion...

On June 13, 2013 were placed the second ...

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We have already begun the distribution of informative ...


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