We have already begun the distribution of informative medium among the companies working in the project and some of the information panels have been placed on the farms. Material

 The Basque television ETB has issued in its program SUSTRAIA this past December 24 and 25 a report on theEuropean project  “AGROLCA manager”.  An initiative which aim is to develop software for sustainable environmental management in enterprises of agricultural sectors, such as viticulture and horticulture. The project is led by the Basque Institute for Agricultural […]

At this meeting a review of the project scope and development of software was carried out.  The group proceeded to turn to a review of the scope of the tasks. Minutes of the meeting in the PRIVATE area

press release

Gerardo Besga presented the project to the Steering Committee explaining the functions of the committee and reported that for the duration of the project  at least two more meetings must be hold coinciding with the delivery of reports. Describe the project and presents the specific objectives, actions and schedule. Meeting minute in the PRIVATE  area

On December 16 the AGROLCAmanager working team meets to monitor the project and discuss the following matters:  Arlogis tool presentation. Review and monitoring of the tasks assigned to each partner Steering committee Metting minute in the PRIVATE area  

With the aim of setting up the group to be held responsible for the implementation and monitoring of communication activities, on November 28, meets the media group with the following agenda:    Set up the communication team Roadmap: perfomance standars, frecuency of meetings, tasks distribution Communication plan: objetives, target groups and messages Developments: Logo, templates, brochure […]

  On november 20 LIFE AGROLCA_manager working team met in the center that NEIKER has in Derio. Amaia Garrastazu and Amaia Igarzabal from IKT, Francisco Campo, Gorka Benito and Rubén Carnerero from IK Ingeniería,  Ana Aizpurua,Gerardo Besga, Olatz Unamunzaga and Oscar del Hierro from Neiker, as well as Juan Carlos Alonso, Julio Rodrigo  from SIMPPLE and […]

At this first meeting,  a general approach of the project was made and the first activities and work plan were raised. A review of the actions and the project budget was also carried out as well as the administrative and financial management of the project. Meeting minute in the PRIVATE area

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AgrolcaManager project promotion...

On June 13, 2013 were placed the second ...

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We have already begun the distribution of informative ...


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