The Basque Ecodesign Meeting 2014 is an international event that brings together Eco leading companies, with broad experience in the application of this methodology, to the public administration as a catalyst, the university and many specialists in this field. It is organized by the Environment and territorial Planning Department of the Basque Government, through its public company Ihobe, and the Basque Ecodesign Center, composed of companies CIE Automotive, Eroski, Euskaltel, Fagor, Gamesa, Iberdrola, Ormazabal and Vicinay chains.
The day will consist of two sessions, an opening session with a plenary presence of authorities and general papers, and another in which parallel working sessions will be held on specific topics. Each of the parallel working sessions will be led by one or more of the members of the Basque industrial companies Ecodesign Center.
The Basque Ecodesign Meeting 2014 is aimed at decision makers responsible for strategic decisions in their companies interested in entering the Ecodesign in the policies of your organization in order to gain competitive advantage. It also aims to technical personnel and designers / as products and services.